Unlocking the Power of MACRA-MIPS for Thriving Chiropractic Clinics

In recent years, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) have evolved, making an immense impact on healthcare. For chiropractic clinics, unraveling the intricacies of MACRA-MIPS can lead to maximized benefits and thriving practices.

Navigating the MACRA-MIPS Landscape

Under MACRA, the Medicare payment structure moved away from the fee-for-service model to a performance-based one. MIPS was established as an integral part of this new model leading the Quality Payment Program. Today, MIPS affects a significant percentage of all healthcare providers—and that includes chiropractors.

The performance of healthcare providers is scored based on four weighted categories:

  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Improvement Activities
  • Promoting Interoperability

Efficiently Applying MACRA-MIPS for Maximum Benefit

To optimize the benefits of MIPS, practices should make strategic use of available resources. Structuring quality measures and selecting the right improvement activities can lead to potential performance rewards.

Choosing Quality Measures

Under MIPS, the Quality category accounts for a significant part of the final score. Selecting measures that represent the practice’s strength or working towards improvement in them could yield a positive result.

Implementing Improvement Activities

The Improvement Activities category allows clinics to earn points by demonstrating efforts toward enhancing patient engagement and expanding access to care. Engaging patients through new technologies or approaches could be a valuable key to success.

Leveraging Cost Measures

While chiropractic clinics are currently exempt from the Cost category, vigilant monitoring of any changes in this domain is essential. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, adapting to new billing rules and regulations is critical.

Maximizing Interoperability

Promoting Interoperability, previously known as Advancing Care Information, emphasizes the significance of information exchange and patient engagement. This category offers immense opportunities to thrive by embracing health information technology.

The Pay-Off: Seizing MIPS Rewards

Successfully navigating and optimizing the MACRA-MIPS system can yield considerable rewards. High-performing clinics can earn payment adjustments leading to increased revenue. Moreover, MIPS scores are publicly reported, granting high-scoring clinics an edge in the competitive market.

Partnering with Expert Digital Marketing Agencies: The Chiropractor Agency

While the potential benefits are significant, the complexity of the MACRA-MIPS landscape can make it challenging to navigate. Fortunately, The Chiropractor Agency, with its extensive experience in healthcare digital marketing, can take the guesswork out of the equation. We provide a comprehensive range of digital marketing services tailored to chiropractic practices. From Patient Lead Generation to Health Care Technology Consulting, we can devise strategies to leverage the MIPS system effectively.

We appreciate that understanding and implementing a successful MACRA-MIPS strategy is a formidable task. Rest assured, our seasoned experts do not just offer one-off solutions; we are committed to supporting clinics in the long term. By selecting the appropriate quality measures and crafting tailored improvement activities, we can help chiropractic clinics unleash the full potential of MACRA-MIPS.

By partnering with The Chiropractor Agency, chiropractic clinics can focus on providing excellent patient care, while we ensure that their digital marketing strategies are aligned with MACRA-MIPS requirements, driving growth, and fostering sustainable success.

Conclusively, MIPS has redefined the healthcare landscape, the grasp of which is a critical aspect pushing practices towards success. The Chiropractor Agency, powered by expert knowledge in healthcare technology and marketing solutions, can be the perfect partner to harness the power of MACRA-MIPS for thriving chiropractic clinics.