Unveiling the Billing Survey Findings: Key Insights for Chiropractic Success

The importance of having an effective and efficient billing method cannot be overstated, especially in the chiropractic industry. To shed light on the current state of billing in this industry, an in-depth survey was carried out. The study aimed to identify the various challenges faced by chiropractic care providers and unearth strategies that can be employed for improved success.

This comprehensive study involved the participation of diverse professionals in the chiropractic field—individual practitioners, team-based clinics, and multispeciality practices—brought together their distinctive perspectives and unique experiences. The results present an opportunity for practitioners across the field to compare and contrast their operations with the data presented, thereby gauging where they stand.

Approach to Billing

The survey results revealed that around 58% of chiropractic practices process their own billing in-house. This indicates that a significant majority of the industry prefers to control their billing practices directly instead of outsourcing. On the other hand, 42% of respondents stated that they have outsourced their billing to third-party services, highlighting that there is a substantial proportion of chiropractors who value the expertise of external specialists in handling complex billing procedures.

Payment Receipt Status

The survey additionally evaluated the payment receipt status of participating chiropractic practices. The findings revealed a significant disparity, with only 25% of respondents stating that they are able to receive payments from insurance companies within a period of 30 days. In a sharp contrast, around 75% of participants reported receiving payments from insurance providers well beyond the 30-day time frame, posing considerable challenges for their practice’s cash flow and operations.

Challenges Encountered

Participants also offered insight into the prevalent challenges in the chiropractic billing landscape. Below are the three most common issues fueling practitioner frustrations:


  • Lingering A/R, which includes aged claims or outstanding patient payments

  • Lower reimbursement rates from insurance providers

  • Inadequate or lack of in-house billing expertise
  • Implementing Solutions

    The study concluded by presenting several viable solutions to overcome the challenges in the billing landscape. Here are the top three takeaways:


  • Incorporating customized services such as practice-specific billing software

  • Outsourcing billing procedures to dedicated teams experienced in dealing with insurance providers

  • Implementing modern technology to optimize scheduling, enhance practice management, and streamline all billing-related procedures
  • Conclusion

    These insights from the billing survey reiterate the significance of a well-managed and efficient billing system for chiropractic practices. The findings emphasize the need for effective solutions to handle outstanding payments and lower reimbursement rates, as well as a robust team or third-party service to manage the billing process.

    At The Chiropractor Agency, we understand the unique business needs and challenges faced by chiropractic practices. Our Health Care Technology Consulting service offers scalable and customizable solutions to meet your practice’s billing requirements. Using advanced technology and industry knowledge, we provide assistance with EHR/EMR Systems, Patient Scheduling, and Assessment Technology. We also help integrate telemedicine platforms for your convenience. Through our services, we aim to streamline your processes and ensure optimal cash flow for your practice, thereby supporting your prosperity and growth in the chiropractic field.